24 July A thermometer by a body of water

The Effects of Heat on Plumbing

Posted by PlumbWize

You may be in your element during the summer season, but we bet that your plumbing system would beg to differ. From expanding pipes to low water pressure, extreme heat usually equates to adverse effects on plumbing, and that spells surefire misadventures for your property in Southern Ontario. Read More

10 July Water pooling in a backyard

How To Fix Water Pooling In Backyards

Posted by PlumbWize

Spring is defined by longer hours of sunshine, blooming flowers, and high chances of precipitation that might just rain on your parade by causing water pooling backyard areas. (Yup, this dreamy season is also a springboard for a bunch of spring plumbing problems.) The aftermath of heavy rainfall sometimes includes random puddles of water that linger in your backyard. Read More

15 June A disc faucet turned on with water streaming out

The 6 Most Common Faucet Types

Posted by PlumbWize

Whether they’re in your bathroom or your kitchen, the importance of a reliable faucet cannot be overstated. While they all serve the same purpose, they’re not all made the same. There are several things to consider when planning out which faucet types are best suited to different parts of your home. Read More

18 May A hand scrubbing shower mould on the walls

7 Ways to Avoid Mould in the Shower

Posted by PlumbWize

Mould in the bathroom isn't a pretty sight, nor is it a healthy one. Shower mould is a product of constant moisture and humidity, which doesn't come as a surprise because a bathroom is exposed to water all the time. While we can't put a permanent cork in it, there are ways to minimize mould growth in the shower and protect you from potential mould-related health hazards. Read More